Schleich Lion, roaring
Lions are the only big cats whose males have a mane which makes them clearly distinguishable from females of the species.
Binomial name: Panthera leo
Conservations status: Vulnerable [vu]
Global Home: Africa
Primary Habitat: Savanna, Forest, Grassland, Shrubland, Desert
It takes five years for the mane of a male lion to grow fully.
The larger the mane of a lion, the more frightening it is for intruders of its territory, which it defends. Lions are the only ones who hunt together in prides - although this task is usually left to the lionesses. Since they are not very fast, unlike the cheetah, they use their strength as a pride. They prowl from different directions, circle their prey and use the element of surprise. That way they can kill large ungulates such as wildebeest and zebras and even buffalos and weak elephants.
Ages: 3+